Please see details below for the AC United 2023 Season:
Non-Competitive Competition - U5-U11
It is a requirement for all players - new players and existing players of AC United to pre-register for the 2023 season.
Please pre-register using the link -
We will be in contact with all players early in 2023 to form our teams.
Competitive Competition - U12 & Above
It is a requirement for all players - new players and existing players of AC United to register their expression of interest to play in 2023 before attending trials.
Please pre-register using the link -
Please follow the instructions below
• All players must arrive 15 mins to start time wearing shin pads and soccer boots.
• All sessions will be held at Powhatan Park, Arrowhead Rd, Greenfield Park.
• There are multiple trials listed for players. Players will be required to attend all the trial dates.
• For Division 1 teams, from the ages of U 12 to U 16 they may be playing a combined competition with Macarthur Football Association (To be confirmed by Southern Districts Football Association).